Judge Monica Rawlins | 328th Family Court

Judge Monica Rawlins has presided over the 328th Court since January 1, 2023. Her current term ends in 2027.
Judge Rawlins has been an attorney since earning her law license from the Texas State Bar in 2001. Immediately upon her graduation from law school, she opened her own law practice, which focused on all areas of family law. During her time as a law student, she worked for Star of Hope homeless mission and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. She has tried multiple complex cases, including a jury trial. She has also worked as a court-appointed attorney for CPS cases, tax delinquency suits and as an Independent Hearing Examiner for the Texas Education Agency. She strives to bring experience, community and faith to the 328th Judicial District Court.
She is a native Houstonian and a Fort Bend County resident for over 10 years. She has personal experience with the subject matter of the 328th Court, as she is a divorced, single mother to her 15-year old son.
Disclaimer: Ramos Law Group, PLLC, gathered information from a variety of resources, and while we made every effort to verify the accuracy, we cannot make guarantees as to the same. Additionally, the Ramos Law Group, PLLC, is not associated with any family court judge and is only providing these pages for informational purposes. We welcome and respectfully request feedback, revision, and additional information from the Judges in question.
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- Court Information
Information on Judge Monica Rawlins
- Texas Southern University, Thurgood Marshall School of Law, 2001
- University of Houston – Downtown, B.S. in Criminal Justice, 1997
Elected in November 2022
None, at the time of the publication of this post
Democratic Party
In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, volunteering, traveling, and participating in her sorority, Sigma Gamma Rho.
Court Phone: (281) 341-4406
Associate Judge: Hon. Felishia Young
Coordinator: Monica Struve
Court Reporter: Sylvia Thompson
Fort Bend County Courthouse, Courtroom 3C
1422 Eugene Heimann Circle
Richmond, Texas 77469
- Website
- Live Stream – TBD
- 328th Family Court Policies and Procedures