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Author Archives: Mary E. Ramos

What to Expect in a High Net Worth Divorce

Divorces involving significant amounts of money, property, and other assets are almost always more complicated than standard divorces. High net worth divorces are rarely uncontested, which is why it is critical to have a good divorce attorney in Houston if you want to retain what property is rightfully yours. It is essential that you hire …

Understanding the Difference Between a Contested and Uncontested Divorce

Going through a divorce can be a difficult time for both parties involved. Emotions are naturally running high, and seeing eye-to-eye is a rarity in most cases. If you are able to come to an amicable agreement, it is possible to avoid a lengthy and expensive divorce process. However, that is not always possible, even …

How to Adopt In Houston

While adopting a child is certainly an exciting process for everyone involved, it can also be quite intimidating. There are plenty of hoops to jump through and complicated steps to take. Attempting to adopt without professional assistance is extremely difficult, which is why having a lawyer in Houston, Texas is critical. You will need to …

5 Ways to Make a Divorce Easy and Simple

You don’t typically hear words like “easy” and “simple” used in the context of a divorce. On the contrary, the termination of a marriage tends to invoke feelings of anger, despair, frustration, perhaps even hopelessness. We can’t offer much advice for overcoming the emotional turmoil (only time will heal those wounds, unfortunately), but we can …

Things to Look out for When Selecting Divorce Lawyers in Houston TX

Choosing the right divorce lawyers in Houston TX can be a difficult task. After all, this person could help you achieve optimal results or be responsible for significant physical and emotional loss. When it comes to selecting the best possible divorce attorney for your situation, there are some critical factors you will need to consider. …

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