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Author Archives: Mary E. Ramos

Does a Contested Divorce Take Significantly Longer Than an Uncontested Divorce?

It may not be what you want to hear if you are involved in one, but it is true that contested divorce in Texas typically takes longer than an uncontested proceeding. When parties can agree on the key issues, there are fewer trips to court and no need for litigation related to asset division, spousal …

How Long Does a Protective Order Last?

Texas takes situations of domestic violence very seriously, which is why lawmakers implemented a process through which a victim can petition for an order of protection to guard against future abuse and misconduct. The petitioner (or movant) must file certain pleadings and comply with court procedural rules to obtain such an injunction initially, and there …

What Deems a Parent Noncustodial?

In Texas, many parents share joint managing conservatorship, which is our state’s term for joint custody. While conservatorship is labeled as joint, one parent is named the primary conservator and the other, by default, is the non-primary parent. Only lawyers typically use the word conservator. So for primary conservator think “custodial parent,” and for non-primary …

How Old Does a Child Have to Be to Refuse Parenting Time with the Noncustodial Parent?

Time with our children is precious, and parents will typically do anything to spend as much time together as possible. However, as children grow older this can become more difficult. Children develop a mind of their own and increasingly begin asserting their independence. This is a healthy part of any child’s development. Unfortunately, it can …

When is the Deadline To Designate Periods of Summer Possession In Texas?

Per the Texas Family Code’s Standard Possession Order (and generally most possession orders although not all), parents who have been awarded a possession schedule in a divorce decree or custody order need to designate their intended periods of summer possession to the custodial parent or primary conservator by April 1st. Failure to designate a specific period of possession typically results in the default summer period of July 1st at 6:00 p.m. to July 31st at 6:00 p.m.

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