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Category Archives: Business Owner

Does Making It Rain = Wasting Community Assets or Reimbursement Claim in Divorce?

Many Texans (both male and female) enjoy blowing some steam off at adult entertainment establishments. Almost any Texas divorce attorney will tell you they have handled a divorce where a contentious issue was money spent at such an entertainment venue. Surely spending money at a gentleman’s club can’t hurt your divorce case, right?

What Comes Next After a Divorce Judgment?

First Steps After the Judge Has Signed the Divorce Order What comes next after a divorce judgment? Even after the judge has signed your order, your divorce isn’t finalized until your county’s court clerk has entered your divorce judgment into the court’s records. At this point, the clerk with date stamp your documents, and both …

What Does Divorce by Agreement Mean in Texas?

A common misperception about the divorce process is that it is an expensive and lengthy process. While this may be the case for a contentious divorce, uncontested divorce, that is, a divorce by agreement in Texas, can be quick and relatively painless. The Process of an Uncontested Divorce by Agreement To begin the uncontested divorce …

Finding Hidden Assets in a Texas Divorce

Hidden Assets in a Texas Divorce Whenever a person is going through a divorce, it is often their main goal to obtain the best property division possible. This can help the healing process and set that person up for success in the next chapter of their life. Unfortunately, many people find that while going through …

How Is a Private Practice Divided in a Doctor’s Divorce?

One of the most challenging issues in getting a divorce as a doctor that owns their own medical practice is that their practice may be subject to division as a community asset. Accurate valuation, goodwill, and status of the practice are critical influencing factors on a judge presiding of the matter. Hiring a licensed family …

How To Determine The Value Of A Business In A Divorce?

If you are seeking a divorce in Texas and either you or your spouse owns a business that was started during the time of the marriage, it is likely this is going to become a contested issue in your divorce. Determining the value of a business is much more complicated than determining the value of …

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