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Category Archives: Divorce For Dads™

Encouragement and Support for Men going Through Divorce

Divorce can be emotional, disruptive, and stressful, and the implications are very personal for each of the parties. However, you might not realize how the dissolution of marriage proceedings may take their toll differently on men versus women. Research indicates that males experience higher rates of depression, tend to abuse drugs or alcohol, and are more …

When is the Deadline To Designate Periods of Summer Possession In Texas?

Per the Texas Family Code’s Standard Possession Order (and generally most possession orders although not all), parents who have been awarded a possession schedule in a divorce decree or custody order need to designate their intended periods of summer possession to the custodial parent or primary conservator by April 1st. Failure to designate a specific period of possession typically results in the default summer period of July 1st at 6:00 p.m. to July 31st at 6:00 p.m.

Does Making It Rain = Wasting Community Assets or Reimbursement Claim in Divorce?

Many Texans (both male and female) enjoy blowing some steam off at adult entertainment establishments. Almost any Texas divorce attorney will tell you they have handled a divorce where a contentious issue was money spent at such an entertainment venue. Surely spending money at a gentleman’s club can’t hurt your divorce case, right?

What Comes Next After a Divorce Judgment?

First Steps After the Judge Has Signed the Divorce Order What comes next after a divorce judgment? Even after the judge has signed your order, your divorce isn’t finalized until your county’s court clerk has entered your divorce judgment into the court’s records. At this point, the clerk with date stamp your documents, and both …

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