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Category Archives: Divorce

What is Community Property in Texas Divorce?

Each state has its own set of laws that govern the division of property during a divorce or dissolution of marriage. Community property is a term for the assets that a married couple owns together. There are nine states that recognize the philosophy of community property, including Texas. Which assets are considered separate or community property is what guides the Texas court systems through the divorce process.

Is it Better to File for Divorce First in Texas?

If you are the first to file for divorce, you will be known as the Petitioner. Ultimately, the differences between who files first are minimal but there are some procedural considerations as you will see below. The Petitioner May Choose the County If there are multiple counties in which the courts could have proper jurisdiction, …

What Happens to Your 401k During a Divorce in Texas?

Many parties going through a divorce in Texas are concerned about how a divorce will affect their assets, especially a 401k or other retirement accounts. While it’s always best to consult with a divorce attorney, here are several things to keep in mind when thinking about how to protect your assets. Separate vs Community Property …

How to Divorce an Abusive Husband or Wife in Texas

Going through a divorce can be a tense and anxiety-inducing experience. Even when a marriage ends amicably, the dissolution still tends to take a toll on separating spouses. It’s no surprise that a divorce due to abuse is a process typically fraught with a number of stressful and worrisome challenges. If you are contemplating or …

Recognizing Emotional Abuse During Divorce

Domestic abuse is a prevalent problem within intimate and familial relationships. According to surveys, roughly 25% of divorcees cite abuse as a contributing factor to their divorce. In 25% of physical violence cases against women and nearly 15% of those against men, this abuse will escalate to severe violence leading to critical harm or injury. …

From Filing to Final Decree: The Stages of a Divorce in Texas

The following information is provided to give litigants and potential litigants an idea of what to expect in a divorce. However, it is important to remember that each and every divorce is different and not all stages apply to each divorce case. There is an infinite number of issues that could arise, and this article …

Talking to Kids About Divorce

Tackling a divorce is one of the greatest challenges any person will ever face. Separating spouses often have to deal with a host of emotional, financial, and logistical issues both during and after divorce proceedings. From coping with the loss of a marital relationship to determining visitation schedules and managing new budgets, divorce takes exes-to-be …

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