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Category Archives: Divorce

What Is a No Fault Divorce in Texas?

In 2022, Texas held the 26th position in the United States for its divorce rate, highlighting the significant number of marital dissolutions in the state. When it comes to divorce in Texas, many wonder, ‘Is Texas a no-fault divorce state?’ Indeed, Texas operates under a no-fault divorce system, which means couples can dissolve their marriage …

Encouragement and Support for Men going Through Divorce

Divorce can be emotional, disruptive, and stressful, and the implications are very personal for each of the parties. However, you might not realize how the dissolution of marriage proceedings may take their toll differently on men versus women. Research indicates that males experience higher rates of depression, tend to abuse drugs or alcohol, and are more …

Divorce for Women in Texas: Four Things that Wives Should Know

Divorces happen. According to Texas Health and Human Services, approximately 75,000 married couples split up in the state each year. Wives face some unique challenges in divorce. If you are a woman who is preparing for or going through a divorce in Southeast Texas, it is crucial that you have all of the knowledge, tools, …

Overcoming an Impasse in Divorce Mediation in Texas

We have all heard horror stories about how a divorce can turn into a nasty, difficult, and emotionally draining fight. The good news is that divorce does not have to be that way. Indeed, the vast majority of people want an amicable divorce. Mediation is one of the best legal options for divorcing couples looking …

How to Download Your Facebook Profile for Your Divorce Attorney

Millions of Americans use Facebook to stay in touch with family and friends, make new connections for professional and personal reasons, and many other activities. When you consider the expansive nature of social media platforms and the massive amounts of content they store, you might not be surprised to learn that the profile details of …

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