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Category Archives: Divorce

Property Division & Texas Divorce Laws

While spousal support and issues related to minor children may not come up in every Texas divorce, almost all parties must address property division when dissolving their marriage. Couples may acquire substantial assets after the wedding date, especially in long-term marriages. They might also incur considerable debt through loans, mortgages, and credit cards. Both property …

The Three Types of Spousal Support in Texas

Spousal maintenance, known as alimony in other states, is not guaranteed in all Texas divorces. However, when one spouse will be left unable to financially support themselves during or after the divorce process, a judge may order it. Couples can also reach an agreement on their own about whether spousal maintenance should be paid, the …

Divorcing a Narcissist: Does it Affect the Process?

You probably deal with narcissistic, self-absorbed individuals on a regular basis, and they likely affect your personal or professional life – or both. One of the most challenging situations you may face is when you are looking to divorce someone who demonstrates the personality traits of narcissism. There is a good chance that your spouse’s …

What is Agreement Incident to Divorce (AID)?

An Agreement Incident to Divorce (AID) is prepared in addition to the Final Decree of Divorce or in addendum to the Final Decree. The Final Decree can reference the Agreement Incident to Divorce, which will include all the specific financial or property details. Agreements Incident to Divorce are not typically imaged for public consumption like the Final Decree. The Final Decree of Divorce is the legal tool signed by a judge that grants the divorce, while the AID is what fleshes out the agreements stemming from the divorce.

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