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Category Archives: Divorce

Contested Divorce: How to Get My Spouse to Sign the Divorce Papers

In a divorce, there are few things more frustrating than a partner who simply refuses to cooperate with the process. Unfortunately, you may be stuck dealing with a spouse who is intentionally delaying by refusing to sign the divorce papers, making unreasonable demands for their signature, or who is simply not communicating at all.  Please …

Tips for Trial: How to Get Through a Contested Divorce

Most divorcing couples want to avoid trial. Indeed, the latest data indicates that more than nine in ten divorce cases are settled outside of the courtroom. That being said, avoiding an uncontested divorce is neither advisable nor possible in every situation. If your former partner refuses to cooperate or to work towards a fair settlement, …

Valuing Your Business Prior To Divorce

Going through a divorce is rarely easy. For business owners—whose professional and private lives are often intertwined—it can be especially difficult. Business owners need to know how to protect their legal rights and financial interests. As a starting point, it is imperative that you seek a comprehensive business valuation. Here, our Houston high net worth …

Do High Asset Individuals Need Special Legal Help With Divorce?

While going through a divorce is never easy, high asset couples face some unique challenges. If you are part of a high asset couple, you need a divorce attorney who knows how to protect your legal rights and financial interests. Among other things, high net worth couples may need to worry about identifying assets, dealing …

Divorce Depression | Tackle Your Depression Head on Post Divorce

When you first decided to get divorced, you were beyond ready to break free from your marriage and move on with your life. After the divorce petition was filed, you and your spouse went back and forth over how you would handle the family home, the kids, and your finances. You thought this tug-and-war experience would never end. You were exhausted.

What Does Divorce by Agreement Mean in Texas?

A common misperception about the divorce process is that it is an expensive and lengthy process. While this may be the case for a contentious divorce, uncontested divorce, that is, a divorce by agreement in Texas, can be quick and relatively painless. The Process of an Uncontested Divorce by Agreement To begin the uncontested divorce …

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