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Ramos Law Group Blog

Domestic Violence in the Shadow of COVID-19

Domestic violence rates tend to increase in times of uncertainty, and the coronavirus pandemic is no different. When domestic violence victims (both adult and children) are forced to shelter in place with their abusers, the violence escalates. Per the Houston Chronicle, reports of family assault in Houston increased 158% from February to March and that trend has continued as unemployment, school closures, and shelter-in-place mandates have forced Texans to remain in their homes.

Can a Texas Judge Order Marriage Counseling During a Divorce?

There is a provision in the Texas Family Code § 6.505 giving a Texas family law judge the authority to mandate that parties attend marriage counseling during a divorce but it is rarely used. Texas family law judges can order parties to attend various types of counseling and evaluations – coparenting, drug and alcohol dependency, etc. if counseling if is in the best interest of the parties.

Texas Father’s Guide to Winning Primary Custody

Many Texas fathers have the notion that it is impossible to win primary conservatorship of their children, as they believe the Texas Court system favors the mother. While historically the mother may have had the upper hand, Texas courts are more progressive and look at all the facts and circumstances rather than the genders.

Contested Divorce: How to Get My Spouse to Sign the Divorce Papers

In a divorce, there are few things more frustrating than a partner who simply refuses to cooperate with the process. Unfortunately, you may be stuck dealing with a spouse who is intentionally delaying by refusing to sign the divorce papers, making unreasonable demands for their signature, or who is simply not communicating at all.  Please …

COVID-19 Co-Parenting Tips For Divorcing or Divorced Parents

Tips for Co-Parenting in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic Shared custody can be difficult to navigate in ideal circumstances; adding the stress and uncertainty of a pandemic to a custody arrangement can multiply the difficulties. The Ramos Law Group, PLLC has been fielding many inquiries as to how parents should handle child custody arrangements …

COVID-19: Child Custody Possession Schedule Under Shelter-In-Place Order In Texas

In these uncharted waters, we at the Ramos Law Group would like to keep our former, existing clients and potential clients as informed as possible as we navigate family law matters in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic. As you may know, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and County Judge Lina Hildago have issued the directive that all Houston-area residents shall remain in their homes and all non-essential businesses shall close. The family law community anticipates that there will be many parents with existing orders relating to children that will have questions regarding the impact this shelter in place order will have on child custody and possession schedules.

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