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Ramos Law Group Blog

How Divorce Affects Social Security Benefits in Texas

The process of divorce is difficult at any age or circumstance. However, it can be especially intimidating later in life. The more knowledge you have about how your divorce will affect Social Security benefits, the better prepared you’ll be for your retirement years following a marital breakup in Texas. Here’s a glimpse at how divorce …

Finding Hidden Assets in a Texas Divorce

Hidden Assets in a Texas Divorce Whenever a person is going through a divorce, it is often their main goal to obtain the best property division possible. This can help the healing process and set that person up for success in the next chapter of their life. Unfortunately, many people find that while going through …

Maintaining Your Standard of Living After Divorce

Maintaining Your Standard of Living After Divorce Divorce is a financial strain on even the most budget-minded person. Typically, a divorce results in a two-income household becoming a one-household. Even more jarring, sometimes a household that relied on one breadwinner becomes two households on one income. Financial woes or stress are to be expected when …

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