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Ramos Law Group Blog

How Is a Private Practice Divided in a Doctor’s Divorce?

One of the most challenging issues in getting a divorce as a doctor that owns their own medical practice is that their practice may be subject to division as a community asset. Accurate valuation, goodwill, and status of the practice are critical influencing factors on a judge presiding of the matter. Hiring a licensed family …

Top 10 Jobs with the Highest Divorce Rates in 2019

Half of all marriages end in divorce. The factors that impact this number have been long-studied and include age, ethnicity, childhood, and generation. Another factor in predicting the divorce rate of a couple is their careers. Job demands and income play an intrinsic role. According to job search powerhouse, Zippia, and data analyzed from U.S. …

How to Deal with Financial Abuse Before or During Divorce in Texas

There can be many unanticipated and ugly sides of a divorce. Financial abuse is one way that a divorcing person may try to attack or undermine their soon-to-be ex-spouse, and it can be absolutely devastating. In these kinds of situations, an attorney can help you get access to funds that you rightfully deserve access to, …

Dealing with Psychological & Verbal Abuse During Divorce

Sadly, abusive marriages are not entirely uncommon. It happens to both men and women. If it happens to you, the best thing you can do is get out. Unfortunately, the divorce process may exacerbate this behavior from an abusive spouse, and things may only become more difficult in the short term. Identifying Abuse Even if …

Your Next Steps After the Words “I Want a Divorce” in Texas

You or your partner has finally said the big words: “I want a divorce.” In Texas, the law provides a straightforward legal process for this to happen. But you’ll need a guide, an experienced attorney who can take you through the process successfully. At Ramos Law Group we specialize in divorce and will work hard …

How To Determine The Value Of A Business In A Divorce?

If you are seeking a divorce in Texas and either you or your spouse owns a business that was started during the time of the marriage, it is likely this is going to become a contested issue in your divorce. Determining the value of a business is much more complicated than determining the value of …

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