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Ramos Law Group Blog

Ramos Law Group Launched New Website to Provide Family Law Services and Educational Resources

Mary E. Ramos is a Board Certified Houston Divorce Lawyer and Family Law Attorney Houston, TX- Oct 2nd, 2017: Ramos Law Group, PLLC, an award-winning family law firm, is pleased to announce the launch of their new and improved website. The Houston-based firm, founded by Board Certified Family Law Attorney Mary E. Ramos, has long …

What is the Difference Between a Divorce and Annulment in Texas Family Law?

The difference between a divorce and an annulment in Texas family law lies in the validity of the marriage. A divorce, puts a legal end to a valid marriage. An annulment, legally invalidates a marriage. It treats the marriage as if it never existed, but the petitioner (the person bringing the suit), must be able …

Standard Possession Order in Texas

What is a Standard Possession Order in Texas? Video Transcription: In the State of Texas, the idea often referred to as ‘custody’ is referred to as ‘conservatorship’, while ‘visitation rights’ is known as ‘possession’. A Standard Possession Order is the statute which details who has ‘possession’ of the child or children when parents do not …

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