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Ramos Law Group Blog

Texas Legislative Updates In Family Law September 2015

The following is a list of House Bills and Senate Bills that have caused changes, effective currently unless otherwise noted, in the area of Family Law: House Bills HB 826.  This bill amends Section 105.006 (e-2) of the Texas Family Code to require additional mandatory language in orders that orders child support.  The orders are …

Why Choose a Board Certified Attorney?

Ramos Law Group, PLLC, was founded by board certified attorney Mary E. Ramos, founder of Ramos Law Group, PLLC, who is board certified in family law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Why should you choose a board certified attorney in Texas over a non-board certified attorney? There are several reasons why choosing a …

Things not to do during the divorce process

Video Transcription: Things not to do during your divorce process. Don’t date. Don’t do drugs. Don’t drink and drive. Don’t use your children as pawns or put them in the middle. Don’t dredge on the past of your divorce process. Let the past be the past. We’re trying to move forward. It’s not gonna be …

Tips to help reduce the cost of legal representation

Reducing the Cost of Legal Representation A divorce is one of the most challenging and emotionally draining experiences someone can go through. An effective and experienced family law attorney can help guide you through this trying process, but it’s no secret that hiring legal representation in Texas can be expensive. Consider these tips: Send specific, …

Served with divorce papers? Now What? Do we need to go to court?

If you’ve recently been served with divorce papers in Texas, chances are you’re having a hard time understanding exactly what it is you’re supposed to do next. While taking some time to absorb this information is completely understandable, it is also imperative that you act quickly to protect your rights. Take the time you need …

Benefits of Parenting Classes During a Divorce

If you’re going through a divorce and you and your spouse have children, it’s important to take parenting classes to learn how to communicate effectively to serve their best interests. However, the court may also require that you and your spouse attend classes as part of an agreement made with your child custody lawyer. Above, … – Tools to help improve co-parenting

Video Transcription: Normally when parents have an issue with communicating with each other, there is a great website that a lot of attorneys and judges use, called OurFamilyWizard. Now this is an online calendaring program where both parties can actually log in and create an account for their children. On this website, they can post …

Supreme Court’s Decision On Same-Sex Marriage

Last Friday, the Supreme Court of the United States released their opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges. Obergefell consists of a number of consolidated cases that originated from Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee, all states that limited marriage to a union between a man and a woman.  The petitioners in Obergefell are fourteen same-sex couples and …

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