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Ramos Law Group Blog

My ex has received a raise. Can I modify the child support amount?

If there has been a material and substantial change in the circumstances of the child, three years since the last child support order and a difference in the month child support amount by either 20% or $100 from what is currently ordered, then you are entitled to ask the Court to increase the amount of …

Same Sex Marriage in Texas – A Look to the Future

06/26/2015 – Same-sex is now legal across the nation. – Alfredo Texas is currently one of twenty states in the United States which ban same-sex marriage via a constitutional amendment. In October 2014, the US Supreme Court let stand a ruling held by the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals finding Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage …

Top 10 Rules for Protecting Kids During a Divorce

Divorce can get nasty and a lot of times parents don’t consider the emotional toll that can be taken on children during divorce. Below are some rules parents should keep in mind when helping children through a divorce. 1. Don’t Make the Child Choose a Side Children instinctively love both their parents and being asked …

Undisclosed Assets After a Divorce is Finalized

Whether a careless oversight or intentionally misleading, it is not uncommon for a person to discover that some assets were not disclosed during a divorce and were subsequently not divided and awarded in the Final Decree of Divorce. How do you seek relief if you find this happened during your divorce?

How does visitation work during the Holidays?

Holiday season is upon us and Texas parents working under a divorce or child custody agreement may be wondering how they will share custody of the child during the upcoming holidays. Ideally the parents will have mutually agreed to a custody plan the maximizes the time the children spend with their families over the holidays; however that may not be the case for all families.

What to Wear to Court For a Hearing or Trial?

The idea of appearing in court to testify in a contested divorce or other family law matter can be terrifying for an involved party. A lot is on the line, including custody of children or property, and a person needs to put their best foot forward, both literally and figuratively. While the family law court system is decidedly more casual than other systems such as civil litigation or federal courts, it is important that litigants dress in an appropriate manner. Here are some tips for what to wear at a typical contested hearing, whether it’s for a divorce, child custody case, or any other family law issue.

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