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Ramos Law Group Blog

When Do You Need a Family Lawyer?

There is no denying that family life can get tough. For these difficult situations, sometimes it’s necessary to call upon the assistance of a legal professional who has experience in dealing with family issues. Divorce is the most common reason why people hire family lawyers in Houston, but it is certainly not the only one.

Ten Tips For Testifying at Trial

If you have an attorney, you should meet with them prior to trial to discuss what topics will be addressed during testimony and the attorney should give you tips or provide you with materials that will help you prepare for testifying. Many times in a family law case, testimony revolves around specific events and dates. It can be helpful to create a timeline of these events and times to review prior to testifying so you can clearly remember these facts.

3 Tips to Make Your Divorce as Easy as Possible

Divorces are rarely ever easy. However, there are ways to ease the stress involved. As you go through this difficult turning point in your life, it can be all too easy to become frustrated, overwhelmed and downright angry. While these feelings are unavoidable at times, it is important to make an effort to be strong and realize that, in the long run, it is a positive step towards a new, better life. Here are some ways that you can streamline the divorce process and hopefully reduce your stress levels.

How to Approach Custody and Child Support During Divorce

A divorce can have a significant impact on other family members – especially children. As you go through this strenuous time, it is so important that you take steps to preserve the best interest of all children involved. Naturally, using child support lawyers in Houston, TX is essential if you want the best possible results. …

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