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Ramos Law Group Blog

What Do I Do When My Spouse Won’t Sign The Divorce Papers?

Divorce is never easy, but the process can be even more challenging if your spouse refuses to sign the paperwork or participate in the proceedings in a meaningful way. When you are trying to be reasonable in addressing child custody, visitation, asset division, and spousal support, it can be frustrating when he or she will …

Military Disability Benefits In a Texas Divorce

Military disability benefits in a Texas divorce can add complexity, especially when addressing pensions and benefits. The Ramos Law Group, PLLC proudly represents Texans who have honorably served our great nation. We do our duty to protect the rights and assets of our military clients. A military divorce can take on another layer of complication …

How Are Child Custody Cases Enforced

The majority of parents who have their child’s best interests in mind would never intentionally interfere with custody or visitation issues. Unfortunately, there are some that willfully violate a legally-binding court order regardless of the consequences. This type of misconduct is clearly unlawful but, as a parent, your immediate concern will be how to enforce …

What Are the Top Three Reasons for a Divorce?

Relationships are complicated and there is never a one size fits all reason for a marriage failing. Clients have come to us with a whole spectrum of reasons as to why a divorce is necessary, ranging from the slightly humorous to tragically sad. As divorce attorneys, we do see a common theme as to how or why a marriage may end in divorce. These reasons include financial concerns, infidelity, and an overall lack of communication.

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