We Provide Personalized Child Custody Representation in Houston and Throughout Southeast Texas
At the Ramos Law Group, PLLC, a Houston child custody lawyer is a passionate and experienced advocate for parents. It is our mission to provide the highest level of legal representation to our clients.
If you are locked in a child custody case, we are more than ready to protect your rights. For a fully confidential, no-obligation initial consultation with a top-rated Texas family law attorney, please call us at 713-225-6200 or contact us online.

An Overview of the Texas Child Custody Laws
The Term Conservatorships is Used in Official Legal Proceedings:
In Texas, child custody is referred to as “conservatorship.” This term is used to describe the legal rights and responsibilities of each parent. There are two types of conservatorship: joint managing conservatorship (JMC) and sole managing conservatorship (SMC). JMC means that both parents share decision-making responsibilities and parenting time. SMC means that one parent has the legal right to make decisions and has primary physical custody of the child.
Texas Laws Favor Shared Parent (JMC) When Possible:
In Texas, the court favors joint managing conservatorship whenever possible. The court believes that children benefit from having a strong relationship with both parents and encourages parents to work together to make decisions and provide for the child’s needs. However, the court will consider factors such as the child’s best interests and any history of abuse or neglect when making a custody decision. Sole custody can be awarded when deemed appropriate.
The Best Interests of the Child Standard Resolves Disputes:
Under Texas state law (Tex. Fam. Code § 153.002), all custody matters are resolved with the primary consideration of what is in the best interest of the kid(s). What the parents want is a secondary consideration in Texas courts. In resolving a custody case, a court must consider what arrangement is best for the child’s health, physical safety, psychological well-being, and emotional development. If you have any questions about the standard, our Houston, TX child custody lawyers can help.

What You Should Know About the Best Interests of the Child in Houston, Texas (The Factors)
Texas courts are empowered to consider a wide range of different factors when applying the best interests of the child standard to a custody case. Indeed, courts are instructed to consider all material issues that could be useful to determine what is in the best interests of the child. Some of the factors that are specifically this state include:
- The physical, psychological, or emotional needs and development of the child;
- The ability of each parent to act in and give priority to the child’s best interests;
- The ability of each parent to encourage a positive relationship with the other parent;
- The extent to which each parent has engaged in raising the child thus far;
- The geographical proximity of the parents;
- The child’s express wishes (if twelve years of age or older); and
- Any other factor deemed relevant to the court.
As a parent who is going through a child custody matter in Houston—whether as part of a divorce, separation or otherwise—it is imperative that you put a strong focus on building a case that proves that you can act within the best interests of your child. Ultimately, that is the most important factor. Our Southeast Texas custody lawyers can help.
We Help Parents Find Amicable Solutions in Houston Child Custody and Visitation Cases
There are few things for parents that are more stressful or emotionally taxing than a custody battle. Most people going through a custody case are looking for a low-conflict resolution that preserves family relationships and allows for cooperative parenting going forward. We strive to help parents find amicable solutions that prioritize the best interests of their children.
Our Houston, TX family law attorneys are experienced in navigating the legal complexities of child custody and visitation cases in Texas, and we work closely with our clients to develop a customized strategy that meets their unique needs. Our goal is to help parents achieve a peaceful and efficient resolution while minimizing the negative impact on their children—whenever possible.
Why Parents Rely On the Houston Child Custody Lawyers at Ramos Law Group
For parents, going through a custody case is never easy—even if you and your co-parent are largely on the same page. The right professional legal representation can make all of the difference. At the Ramos Law Group, PLLC, we are devoted to providing high-level guidance and support in custody cases. Among other things, our Houston child custody attorney is prepared to:
- Hear your story, answer questions, and explain your custody case;
- Investigate the matters, gathering evidence and information needed in your custody case;
- Advocate for you in any child custody negotiations with your former spouse/co-parent; and
- Take whatever action is needed to protect your parental rights and your children.
Our Trial-Tested Litigators Are Ready to Fight for Your Custody Rights
Although we strive to find amicable solutions, we also realize that may not be possible in every custody case. In some situations, going to trial is necessary to protect the rights of our clients and their children. Our trial-tested litigators are ready to fight for your custody rights in court. We have the knowledge, experience, and tenacity to vigorously represent our clients in front of a judge. We will work tirelessly to build a compelling case that advocates for your child’s best interests and your parental rights. If you are facing a contested custody case and need a skilled and aggressive advocate on your side, please do not hesitate to contact our Houston child custody lawyers today.
Contact Our Houston Child Custody Lawyer for Immediate Help
At the Ramos Law Group, PLLC, our Houston child custody lawyers are standing by, ready to protect your rights and your interests. If you have any questions about child custody or child visitation, we are here to help. Call us at 713-225-6200 or send us a direct message to arrange your strictly private consultation. From our law offices in Houston, Sugar Land, and The Woodlands, we represent parents in custody and visitation cases throughout the entirety of Southeastern Texas.

Divorce – Think of the children
Work on being flexible with the other parent.

Uncontested Divorce
The importance of gathering information.

Tip – Filing your original petition
There are several things to gather and consider.
Child Custody in Texas: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the Standard Possession Order in Texas?
Under Texas law (Tex. Fam. Code § 153.252(remove) .3101-3171), there is a presumption for the type of child custody arrangement that is known as a standard possession order or (SPO).
In order to simplify the child custody process of many parties, the so-called Standard Possession Order is presumed to be in the best interests of all children who are at least three years old.
There are three types of SPOs: One for parents that live within 50 miles of each other, one for parents that live between 50 and 100 miles of each other, and another for parents that live in excess of 100 miles from each other.
An SPO includes a predetermined schedule for child-time sharing. To be clear, parents always(remove) may want (have the right)remove to petition for a custody arrangement that is different from the Texas Standard Possession Order and the Court will consider such requests on a case-by-case basis. Our experienced family law lawyers can help you do so.
Will a Parent Without Primary Physical Possession of the Child Get Visitation Rights?
Yes—at least in most cases. The SPO includes a visitation schedule for a parent that does not have the primary physical possession of a child. Even if one parent is granted a sole managing conservatorship (SMC), visitation will still often be granted to the other parent. However, in Texas, it is possible that a court could order supervised visitation or deny visitation at all if deemed in the best interests of the child.
Can a Child Decide Who They Live With in Texas?
In Texas, a child cannot make the decision on their own about which parent they will live with. That being said, if the child is 12 years old or older, their input will often be taken into consideration by the court. The court will consider the child’s preference, along with other factors, such as the child’s best interests and the circumstances of each parent. Still, ultimately the court will make a custody decision that is in the best interests of the child.
Can Child Custody Be Modified in Texas?
Yes. A child custody order or agreement is subject to modification as long as it is still in effect (Tex. Fam. Code § 156.001). To obtain a child custody modification, the petitioner must prove that there has been a material and substantial change in circumstances and that their proposed modification is in the best interests of the child. As an example, one parent relocating from Houston across the state to West Texas could constitute a material and substantial change in circumstances.