Find Help With Protective Orders in Houston, Texas
Texas Protective Orders
Allegations of family violence are all too common in divorces and custody disputes. If violence or the threat of violence is present in your family, the Texas Family Code authorizes three different types of protective orders. All types of protection orders have serious consequences on family law cases.
What Is a Texas protective order?
A protective order is a court order protecting a victim of family violence from future violence or threatening contact. A motion for a protective order is filed by a victim or their attorney. These orders are enforceable by civil and criminal contempt, which means that a party can be jailed if he or she violates the order.
Temporary Ex-Parte Order
A temporary ex-parte order is granted without a hearing when there is clear and present danger of family violence, and goes into effect for 20 days. This order is designed to protect a victim until a hearing can be held regarding a final motion from the judge.
Magistrate’s Emergency Order
A magistrate’s emergency order goes into effect when a person is arrested for family violence or related crimes. This type of protective order is in effect for 31 to 61 days. It is also designed to protect victims until a more permanent order can be put into place.
Final Protective Order
A final order is granted after a hearing in which the evidence shows that family violence has occurred in the past and is likely to occur in the future. This order stays in effect for two years.
Who Qualifies for Protection in Houston?
You qualify for a protection order if you have been a victim of family violence and more violence is likely to occur in the future. Family violence is defined as violence against a member of the household, family, a child in the household or family, or violence against someone in a dating relationship. If you have been a victim of any type of violence, contact an attorney today to see what protection is available to you.
Case in the 280th Family Protective Order Court?
If your case is in the 280th Family Protective Order Court, you must have all your ducks in a row. Barbara Stalder is the judge for the 280th District Court and is Board Certified in Family Law. She is well-known for her expertise and for holding all litigants accountable for their actions. We highly recommend hiring someone familiar with the court and an expert in the field.
Should I hire an Attorney?
If you already have a divorce or custody case pending, you will have to file a motion for a protective order through the family court system, as the district attorney’s office will generally not be able to assist you if you are already represented by counsel. If you have any concerns about your safety or the safety of your children, we recommend hiring an attorney to protect your rights.
Should I Hire an Attorney if My Spouse Has Filed for a Protective Order in Texas Against Me?
If you are accused of family violence, it is critical that you hire an attorney to defend your interests. You can fight a motion for a protective order, but hiring an ineffective attorney, or attempting to resolve the issue yourself, could result in an order granted against you. The consequences of an order could limit access to your children and other long-term effects.
Even if family violence occurred, a protective order should not be automatically granted against you, as it is not needed if you were acting in self-defense during an argument or if family violence is unlikely to reoccur. Divorce and custody fights are extremely stressful times. If an incident has occurred in your family, make sure you speak to an experienced divorce attorney to protect your rights.
What Are the Potential Consequences of Protective Orders in Texas?
If an order is issued against you, the consequences are serious and may include:
- You may have to pay all court costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the other party.
- You may have to pay spousal maintenance in the future.
- You may be denied access to your children or limited to restricted/supervised access.
- You may no longer be considered for joint managing conservatorship of your children.
- Any previous orders regarding your children can be changed to restrict your access.
- Exemption for the other party for mediation for other family law cases.
- Potential deportation if you are not a citizen of the United States.
- You could face criminal charges.
**Important Tip**
Never agree to a protective order. Signing an agreement will not make your problems go away. Accepting a motion for protective order filed by an opposing party will make your other family law issues significantly worse.
Help From an Expert Attorney
Texas protective orders should never be taken lightly. Be sure to hire a capable and experienced attorney if there is violence in your family, or you have been accused of violence. The expert attorneys at Ramos Law Group, PLLC, can help you navigate difficult cases involving violence or violence accusations and reach the best possible outcome for your case. Contact Ramos Law Group today to schedule your consultation.
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