Knowing that family law covers some of the most intimate, personal relationships you can have, you can see why it is essential to have skilled legal counsel on your side. Our lawyers at The Ramos Law Group, PLLC are prepared to advise you on your rights and options, so please call us to schedule a consultation with a Pearland family law attorney. We can assist in any type of Texas family law matter, including:
Divorce Cases: The legal process ends the marital relationship while also sorting out issues that stemmed from the marriage to allow the parties to move on to their next chapter. Depending on your circumstances, you may need to deal with:
1. Asset Division: Community property rules apply to Texas divorce cases, so the law requires a just and right division of any real estate or personal property you acquired after getting married.
2. Spousal Maintenance: While not relevant to all divorce matters, financial support for a lower-earning spouse may be awarded when appropriate. There are numerous factors that weigh into determining the amount, duration, and related details.
3. Child Custody, Visitation, and Support: Couples with minor children still have rights and responsibilities after divorce, described in more detail below.
The Ramos Law Group, PLLC have the knowledge and skills to protect your interests in these three areas, as they may arise in:
- Uncontested dissolution of marriage, in which the parties can agree on property division, alimony, and care for minor children;
- A contested divorce, where the court must hold a hearing to enter a decision on divorce-related issues;
- High net worth divorce and cases where the value of the marital estate and complicated ownership issues present unique challenges; and,
- Divorces involving physicians and other professionals that possess ownership interests in specialized businesses.
In addition, our attorneys also focus on preventing costly, hostile divorce proceedings through advance planning. We can assist in developing a solid premarital agreement or reviewing one that has been presented to you.
Care for Minor Children: Besides being an important issue in divorce proceedings, issues related to children are also central to a paternity case or custody modification. One parent may be seeking financial support, while the other may want to exercise the father’s rights. Regardless of the context, Texas law requires application of the child’s best interest standard in such matters as:
Conservatorship: Absent substance abuse, violence, or other extreme circumstances, Texas law favors both parents sharing in custody through a co-parenting arrangement. Each will be a joint managing conservator, which provides the ability to make important decisions regarding education, health care, religion, and areas of raising a child.
Possession: The non-primary parent has rights as a “possessory” conservator, also known as set periods of possession of access to the children. The Texas standard possession order splits parenting time on a relatively equal basis, including a regular schedule, holidays, special events, school breaks, and other occasions.
Child Support: Instead of the child’s best interest standard, Texas uses a statutory formula to determine how much the non-residential parent pays for child support. Factors include the number of children requiring support and the net monthly income of the obligor parent, or the conservator responsible for the support of the children.
Legal Support for Other Family Law Issues: Our lawyers at The Ramos Law Group, PLLC also handle many other matters that fall under the umbrella of family law. We can advise you on:
- Enforcement of post-divorce maintenance and child support orders;
- Modifying custody and visitation orders where there has been a substantial change in circumstances, such as one parent moving within Texas or out-of-state;
- Adoption, including same family cases and those arranged through agencies;
- Termination of parental rights;
- Paternity cases, representing both mothers and fathers;
- Amicus and Attorney General cases; and,
- Civil orders of protection for domestic violence.
Why Hire a Family Law Attorney in Pearland, TX?
Hiring an attorney for a family law case in Texas is crucial due to several reasons. Family law matters involve complex and emotionally charged issues like divorce, child custody, visitation, and domestic violence. An experienced family law attorney provides guidance, supports clients through the legal system, and helps them make informed decisions. Texas family law is governed by extensive statutes, rules, and case law, which can be overwhelming without legal expertise. Specialized attorneys stay updated on legal developments, offering tailored advice. Family law cases require extensive paperwork and legal filings, and an attorney ensures accurate completion within deadlines to avoid delays or pitfalls. In contentious disputes, an attorney serves as a strong advocate, communicating effectively with the opposing party and protecting clients’ rights. They gather evidence, interview witnesses, and present compelling arguments in negotiations or court proceedings. Family law often involves complex financial considerations, and attorneys help navigate property division, spousal support, and child support calculations, ensuring understanding of rights and obligations. With an attorney by your side, you gain peace of mind knowing you have a dedicated professional fighting for your rights and working towards the best resolution for your family.